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Interview with the Director General of the Scientific Research Center

Interview with the Director General of the Scientific Research Center

Published Date: Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 16:37

According to the decision of the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Mr. Masrour Barzani, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the General Directorate for Scientific Research Centers in the universities of the Kurdistan Region will be opened.

In an interview with the distinguished Director General of the Scientific Research Centers, Dr. Dindar Sh. Bari, more information is revealed about the centers and their plans.


As the general director, how do you define the directorate?

Dr. Dindar Sh. Bari: “It is a general directorate, belonging to the Presidency of Zakho University, consisting of eight scientific centers, namely:

  1. Chemical Analysis Research Center.
  2. Physics Research Center.
  3. Applied Remote Sensing and GIS Center.
  4. Zakho Center for Kurdish Studies.
  5. Engineering Research Center.
  6. Biology Research Center.
  7. Jazari Research Center.
  8. Semantic Web Center.

These centers will have their own administrative, secretariat, and warehouse departments.”


What are the objectives of the directorate?

Dr. Dindar Sh. Bari: “The directorate's fundamental objective is to assist academics and researchers in their work by providing the necessary equipment and labs they need. As a result, the University of Zakho will be able to undertake more studies and advance scientific fields. Because this center will have modern facilities and testing equipment, it will also be able to provide services to areas outside of the university by interpreting their materials and carrying out the necessary tests anywhere in the Kurdistan Region.”


How is the structure of the committee organized?

“The General Directorate Committee at UoZ is a collaborative body comprised of the General Director and the other eight directors for the centers mentioned earlier, each accompanied by an assistant.”


What is the mission of the directorate?

Dr. Dindar Sh. Bari: "The mission of the General Directorate for Scientific Research Centers is to motivate multidisciplinary scientific research to develop a university-wide integrated scientific research network. In addition, it will help with providing the required equipment. Furthermore, the directorate will actively cooperate with all government departments to provide them with various services."